Shell and tube TTAI heat exchangers are successfully used for carrying out effective heat transfer in municipal engineering and almost in all spheres of industry. Developed and produced by our company, these heat exchangers ensure effective operation of heat units, boiler rooms, heat pumps and other devices and systems in heat and power engineering.
Experience of Successful Operation
Since 1992 TTAI heat exchangers have been successfully used in hot water supply and water boiling systems in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia.
They are widely used in recreational industry. The majority of swimming pools in Crimean health resorts are equipped with our heat exchangers, as well as the swimming pool of the Ukrainian Paralympic team training camp.
TTAI heat exchangers are effectively used in the fields of energy saving and use of renewable energy. In particular, in water source heat pumps (including the case when seawater acts as a heat source). Another sphere of application of our equipment is utilization of low-potential heat from cooling systems of various machines.
Our heat exchangers have a long and successful operating experience in various fields:
- since 1992 they have been used for pasteurization, cooling and heating of wine in many wineries throughout Ukraine. Since 2006 – in Belorussian and Moldavian wineries.
- in 1994-1995 several vessels of SGP “Atlantika” (Ukraine) were equipped with our steam-to-water heat exchangers
- since 1997 TTAI heat exchangers have been successfully operating at OJSC “AvtoVAZ” (Russia). Their range of application includes various technological processes as well as hot water supply systems. Till now the largest Russian automobile plant is purchasing our equipment regulary.
- in 1998 our company became a supplier of CJSC “Azot” – the largest chemical company in Ukraine.
- since 2007 our shell and tube heat exchangers have been operating at OJSC “Grodno Azot” (Belarus), and since 2008 – at facilities of Belorussian railways.
Patents, Certificates and Recommendations
During 1991-2007 “Teplo’obmen” obtained patents for inventions concerning the design and technology of manufacture of TTAI heat exchangers.
Some technical solutions have a “know-how” status.
In 2005 “Teplo’obmen” registered the “TTAI” trade mark and in 2011 – the company’s logo.
In 1993 the specifications for TTAI heat exchangers were approved by the State Committee of Ukraine for Standardization (TU 551.М.Т.065113-001-93). The batch production of TTAI heat exchangers was certified by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart, Russia).
In 2005 TTAI heat exchangers were recommended for use in heating units located in small premises by the Scientific and Technical Council of Moscow Fuel and Energy Department.
In 2011 “Teplo’obmen” obtained a resolution from the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor, Russia).
In 2015 the Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology registered the technical specifications TU 3113-001-00162286-2015 on TTAI heat exchangers.
In 2016 “Teplo’obmen” obtained the Certificate of conformity of TTAI heat exchangers to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 032/2013.
Sphere of application
Specified service life of TTAI heat exchangers is 15 years. First maintenance – after 8 years of operation. Warranty period – 2 years. Currently some of our heat exchangers have already been working without need of repair for more than 25 years. None of TTAI heat exchangers have ever required factory repair (except for cases of service regulations violation).
Our equipment has no heat duty restrictions. TTAI heat exchangers have a wide range of application, however the best performance figures are achieved for inviscid liquids when the media flow rate is in the range of 0.05 – 250 m3/h. The most widely used are our water to water and steam to water heat exchangers.
A detailed analysis was carried out by KievZNIIEP - the main institute of the State Committee for Construction of Ukraine. As a result, in 2005 the Scientific and Technical Council of KievZNIIEP approved the “Recommendations for the use of TTAI heat exchangers in heating units of residential and public buildings” ( (in Russian)).